General Conditions of Sale
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTC) govern all contractual relations between Cycles des Fans, a sole proprietorship specializing in cycling experiences, and any natural or legal person (hereinafter referred to as “the user” or “the customer”) wishing to benefit from the services offered.
Cycles des Fans offers a diverse range of services including:
Experiences with guided stays, rentals, guided outings, cultural and gourmet outings
Orienteering races: for companies, groups, friends and families
Mechanical workshops within the Cycles des Fans premises
By booking or using the services of Cycles des Fans, the customer acknowledges having read these General Terms and Conditions and accepts them without reservation. These conditions are intended to define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the provision of the services offered by Cycles des Fans.
Article 1: Purpose of the General Conditions of Sale
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTC) define the terms and conditions under which Cycles des Fans offers and sells its services to its customers. These services include:
Experiences with guided stays, rentals, cultural and gourmet outings
Orienteering races: for companies, groups, friends and families
Mechanical workshops within the Cycles des Fans premises
Any reservation or use of these services implies unreserved acceptance of these T&Cs.
Article 2: General Provisions
These General Terms and Conditions apply to all sales of services concluded by Cycles des Fans with its customers, whether made directly, by telephone, by email or via the website . They are reserved for customers who are consumers, acting for their personal needs.
The applicable T&Cs are those in effect on the date of the reservation. Cycles des Fans reserves the right to modify these T&Cs at any time. The new conditions will apply to reservations made after they are posted online.
Article 3: Reservation
3.1 Booking Terms and Conditions
Reservations can be made:
• By telephone: +33 (0) 6 77 65 77 49
• By email:
• Directly online on our site:
The reservation is considered confirmed after receipt of a deposit of 30% of the total amount of the service or full payment, as the case may be, and after written confirmation from Cycles des Fans by email.
3.2 Availability
Reservations are subject to the availability of services at the time of the request. Cycles des Fans strives to keep availability up to date on its website, but cannot be held responsible in the event of occasional unavailability.
Article 4: Rates and Payment Terms
4.1 Rates
The prices of the services are indicated in euros (€) all taxes included (TTC). They can be consulted on the website or communicated on request. Cycles des Fans reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, but the services will be invoiced on the basis of the prices in force at the time of validation of the reservation.
4.2 Payment Terms
Payment can be made:
• By bank card: Visa, MasterCard
• By bank transfer to the following account:
• IBAN: FR76 4061 8802 6700 0409 6625 979
The balance of the payment must be paid no later than 14 days before the start of the service. For reservations made less than 14 days before the service, full payment is required at the time of booking.
Article 5: Modification or Cancellation by the Customer
5.1 Modification
Any request to change the reservation from the customer must be communicated by email to Cycles des Fans at least 48 hours before the scheduled date of the service. Changes are accepted subject to availability and do not incur any fees if they do not change the date of the service, the name of the customer, or the selected service, and if they occur in the following case: increase in the number of participants, subject to availability.
Any other request for modification will be considered as a cancellation followed by a new reservation. Any modification or cancellation must reach us by email.
5.2 Cancellation
In the event of cancellation by the customer, the following conditions apply:
More than 48 hours before the start of the service: 5% of the total amount of the reservation will be retained for cancellation fees.
Less than 48 hours before the start of the service: 20% of the total amount of the reservation will be retained.
Less than 24 hours before the start of the service or in case of no-show: 100% of the total amount of the reservation will be retained.
Cancellation requests must be made by email.
Any partial or total interruption of the service due to the customer will not give rise to any reimbursement or compensation.
Article 6: Modification or Cancellation due to Cycles des Fans
Cycles des Fans reserves the right to cancel or modify a service in the event of exceptional circumstances (adverse weather conditions, security issues, force majeure). In this case, the customer will be informed as soon as possible and will have the choice between:
Postponement of the service to a later date
Full refund of amounts paid
No additional compensation may be claimed.
Article 7: Responsibility and Commitments of the User
7.1 Aptitude et Sécurité
L’utilisateur déclare être apte à la pratique du vélo et n’avoir connaissance d’aucune contre-indication médicale. Les personnes mineures doivent fournir une autorisation signée par leur représentant légal leur permettant de participer aux prestations. Cycles des Fans ne pourra être tenu pour responsable des dommages dus à l’inaptitude de l’utilisateur.
7.2 Assurance Responsabilité Civile
L’utilisateur doit être couvert par une assurance en responsabilité civile. Il dégage Cycles des Fans de toute responsabilité découlant de l’utilisation du matériel loué, notamment en ce qui concerne les accidents et les dommages causés à des tiers du fait de l’usage du vélo.
7.3 Utilisation du Matériel
Le matériel loué (vélos, équipements, accessoires) reste la propriété exclusive de Cycles des Fans pendant toute la durée de la location. L’utilisateur est considéré comme le gardien du matériel pendant toute la période de location et est personnellement responsable de tous les dommages corporels ou matériels subis par lui ou causés à des tiers lors de l’utilisation du matériel, qu’il en soit ou non l’auteur ou l’utilisateur.
L’utilisation des biens loués est strictement personnelle. En conséquence, le prêt ou la sous-location des biens loués ou de son équipement est strictement interdite.
L’utilisateur s’engage à :
Ne pas sous-louer ou prêter le matériel à un tiers.
Utiliser le matériel avec soin et dans la limite de ses capacités.
Respecter les consignes d’usage et de sécurité fournies par Cycles des Fans.
Utiliser le vélo dans des conditions normales et conformes à sa destination.
Ne pas intervenir sur le matériel en cas de panne, sauf pour réparer une crevaison à l’aide du kit fourni.
Ne pas rouler en cas de crevaison pour éviter d’endommager le matériel.
Ne pas circuler de nuit si le vélo n’est pas équipé d’un système d’éclairage à l’arrière et à l’avant.
En cas de défaillance technique du vélo en cours de location, l’utilisateur ne pourra réclamer ni le remboursement de frais ou de facture, ni dommages et intérêts. Il doit informer immédiatement Cycles des Fans et rapporter le vélo. Le dépannage suite à un déraillement ou une crevaison n’est pas compris dans le contrat.
L’utilisateur reconnaît que le matériel loué est en parfait état de fonctionnement au début de la location, sauf si des dégradations ont été signalées avant le départ par l'utilisateur. En l’absence de constat contradictoire, le matériel est réputé être exempt de tout dommage apparent.
7.4 Responsabilité en Cas de Dommages
L’utilisateur est seul responsable de tous les dommages causés au matériel loué ou du fait de son utilisation, y compris les dommages résultant de chutes, d’actes de vandalisme, de facteurs naturels, de manipulations, d’atteintes liées au transport ainsi que de l’utilisation inappropriée ou détournée du matériel.
Pendant toute la durée de la location et jusqu’à la restitution, l’utilisateur est réputé être le gardien des biens loués.
En cas de dégradation volontaire ou involontaire, de chute, ou de toute autre cause entraînant une détérioration du matériel, l’utilisateur sera facturé selon les modalités prévues à l’Article 9.
En cas de vol ou perte du matériel loué, l’utilisateur devra informer immédiatement Cycles des Fans, déposer plainte auprès des autorités compétentes, et fournir une copie du dépôt de plainte. Le vol du matériel sera facturé au prix public du matériel neuf et sera entièrement dû.
7.5 Respect du Code de la Route
L’utilisateur s’engage à respecter le Code de la route et les lois en vigueur. En cas de contravention, Cycles des Fans ne pourra être tenu pour responsable.
7.6 Prévention du Vol et des Dégradations
L’utilisateur s’engage à tout mettre en œuvre pour éviter le vol ou la dégradation du vélo loué. Lors de chaque stationnement, quelle que soit sa durée, il s’engage à attacher le vélo à un point fixe à l’aide d’un antivol fourni par Cycles des Fans si nécessaire.
7.7 Interdiction d’Engager des Réparations
En cas de défaillance technique du vélo en cours de contrat, l’utilisateur ne peut pas engager de travaux de réparation de sa propre initiative. Il est tenu d’en informer immédiatement Cycles des Fans et de rapporter le vélo. À sa demande, le vélo pourra être remplacé par un vélo de même type, sous réserve des disponibilités et en l’absence de responsabilité fautive de l’utilisateur, pour la période restant à courir.
L’utilisateur ne pourra réclamer ni le remboursement de frais ou de facture, ni dommages et intérêts en cas de défaillance technique.
7.8 Réparation des Crevaisons
En cas de crevaison, l’utilisateur devra réparer lui-même cette panne, grâce à un kit de réparation fourni par Cycles des Fans.
7.9 Comportement
Tout comportement agressif, irrespectueux ou de refus de respecter le présent règlement entraînera le refus ou l’interruption de la prestation, sans possibilité de remboursement.
Article 8: Specific Services
8.1 Experiences with Guided Stays, Cultural and Gourmet Outings
These services include accompaniment by a qualified guide. The detailed program is communicated to the user at the time of booking. Cycles des Fans reserves the right to modify the itinerary or program depending on local conditions or for safety reasons.
8.2 Orienteering Races
Intended for companies, groups, friends and families, these activities require active participation from the user. The specific rules are explained before the start of the activity. The user agrees to respect them and to adopt responsible behavior.
8.3 Mechanical Workshops
The workshops are led by professionals in the Cycles des Fans premises. The user agrees to follow the instructions and use the tools and equipment appropriately. Cycles des Fans cannot be held responsible for any mishandling or accidents caused by the user.
Article 9: Restitution and Billing in the Event of Damage
9.1 Return of Equipment
The rented equipment must be returned on the agreed dates and times, in the same working condition as at the start of the rental. If the user keeps the rented goods beyond the period provided for in the contract without having regularized his situation and/or does not return the rented goods during the reception hours of Cycles des Fans, he loses the benefit of the guarantees provided for in the contract and remains responsible until the rental goods are returned.
Any delay will be subject to penalties in accordance with the terms defined at the time of booking. The rate for any delay exceeding fifteen minutes is €10 per additional half hour and per property rented.
At the start of the rental period, the customer has the opportunity to inspect the equipment and report any damage or defects found. In the absence of any report from the customer, the equipment is deemed to be in perfect working order. Consequently, the customer will not be able to claim subsequently that damage was present at the start of the rental period.
9.2 Billing in the Event of Non-Compliance with the Contract
In the event of non-compliance with the terms of the contract, voluntary or involuntary damage, fall, act of vandalism, or any other cause resulting in deterioration of the equipment, the user will be billed as follows:
Non-return of the bicycle: billing at the public price of the new bicycle.
Damage or missing parts: invoicing of the corresponding repair or replacement costs, according to the public rates in force.
Damage to the carbon or aluminum frame: in the event of damage to the frame (crack, breakage, etc.), the bicycle will be considered irreparable and will be invoiced at the public price of a new bicycle.
Late payment penalties: billed according to current rates (for example, €10 per half-hour delay beyond 15 minutes).
Cycles des Fans will be the sole arbiter to note the condition of the equipment upon its return and determine the level of deterioration.
An inventory of the equipment will be carried out and signed by the parties upon return.
Article 10: Insurance and Assistance
Cycles des Fans is insured for professional civil liability. However, it is strongly recommended that the user take out personal insurance covering the risks associated with cycling and the activities offered, particularly in terms of accidents, personal injury and theft.
Article 11: Intellectual Property
All content (texts, images, logos, etc.) on the Cycles des Fans website and media are protected by intellectual property law. Any reproduction or use without prior written permission is strictly prohibited.
Article 12: Protection of Personal Data
Personal data collected by Cycles des Fans is for internal use only. Under no circumstances will this data be communicated or sold to third parties.
In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to access, rectify, oppose and delete personal data concerning you. To exercise this right, contact us by email at or by mail at:
Fan Cycles
105 Fans Road
07270 Saint-Barthélemy-Grozon
Article 13: Disputes and Applicable Law
These General Terms and Conditions are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the parties will endeavour to find an amicable solution. In the absence of an agreement, the competent court will be that of the location of the registered office of Cycles des Fans.
Article 14: Fan Cycles Contact Details
• Company name: Cycles des Fans, Sole Proprietorship registered with the RCS of Valence
• Head office: 105 chemin des Fans, 07270 Saint-Barthélemy-Grozon
• Telephone: +33 6 77 65 77 49
• Email:
• SIREN: 793 328 212
• SIRET: 793 328 212 00022
• Intra-Community VAT number: FR20793328212
• Responsible for publication: Simon Valdenaire
• Site hosting: Wix Sites
Article 15: Acceptance of the General Conditions of Sale
Validation of the reservation implies unconditional acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. Clicking on the button “I have read the general terms and conditions of sale and I adhere to them without reservation” on the website confirms the user's approval and entails their acceptance of said general terms and conditions of sale.